Philodendron billietiae variegated


Philodendron billietiae has longer than wide leaves that can get upwards of 24” in length as the plant matures. Their leaves point downward with slight arches in their leaf petioles, making them a great specimen for a shelf or somewhere they can be admired from above. These are a slow growing, vining specimen. Their colors range from a deep green, variegated, to nearly black and are priced accordingly. 

Like many exotic philodendron, these enjoy bright, indirect light, well-draining aroid soil substrate, and watering when the soil feels dry. 

Philodendron are a tropical, vining plant native to tropical forests! They belong in the Araceae (Aroid) family along with Monstera, Epipremnum, and other aroids. In nature, they are found growing up trees, anchoring in place with aerial roots. As the plant matures and gains more height/stability, their leaves can get much larger.

Special note: We DO NOT ship our variegated billietiae at this time due to size, please contact us for pick up options. 

Our photo is for reference. Ask us for an updated photo as plants grow and our photo/plant specimen may be different. 


This item is not available for shipping.